Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas Pillow Extravaganza

This year, I decided that I was going to make Christmas pillows to cover our regular pillows on our couches.  The greatest thing about this project is that I already have pillow inserts for the pillows so all I have to do is make the covers for them.  I had a couple of inspirations in mind from visiting other blogs, but then I had some visions in my mind for what I wanted to make my pillows different.
The first pillow that I decided to tackle was my ribbon pillow.  Below, you'll see the tutorial for this simple project - I know that some of you (me included) like to see picture step-by-steps so that's what I've included.

What you need:
-1/2 yard of fabric (more or less depending on the size of your pillow - mine was a 12x16" insert
-Ribbon (I used grosgrain ribbon and I bought 4 different colors and 2 different widths)

What you do:
-Cut your fabric: for my 12x16" pillow I cut a 13x17" piece for the front and then two pieces for the back (I like to make the envelope pillow so that I can just simple take out the inserts and change the outsides) my two pieces were 13x14" and 13x8"
-Take your smaller pieces and on one of the 13" sides fold it and sew it to make a neat edge:

-Take your front piece (mine is 13x17) and use it to measure your ribbon and begin cutting all your ribbon the size of your pillow front.

-Mess around with your ribbon and decide what pattern with your ribbon that you're going to do.
-Going ribbon by ribbon, pin them on and sew a straight stitch down the center of them.  Once one is done, go pin on another ribbon and then sew, repeat until done:

-Once you've finished sewing on your ribbons, lay all your pieces right side facing each other and pin them together:

-Sew 1/2" inseam around the edge of your pillow
-Turn your pillow right side out and admire your work:

-Stick the pillow insert in it and then place it on your couch and enjoy it's beauty!

Stayed tuned as Christmas Pillow Extravaganza II will be creeping up on us soon!
Happy Sewing!
 The DIY Show Off 


I love to hear your thoughts - leave me some loving!