Thursday, July 7, 2011

Praise the Lord!

Do you remember the 4th of July weekend, 2010?  If you were reading my blog back then, you might remember me asking you to pray for Stephen's 93 year old Nana (if you don't remember or weren't following at the time, you can read that post here).

Last year, on the 4th of July, Stephen and I had plans to stick around Chicago and enjoy a weekend laying low (kinda like we did this year).  Our weekend plans quickly changed as we got phone calls from Stephen's parents telling us that his Nana was not doing well and things did not seem promising.  Without hesitating or waiting a moment, we left Chicago on Friday afternoon and began our trek to Pittsburgh.  We spent the weekend with Nana, unsure of what the future may hold, but prayerfully hopeful and expectant to see the mighty hand of God at work.

A year later, I want to thank you for praying for Nana.  Not only did she recover from her most serious ailments that caused her to be hospitalized, but she was able to return to her home with the help of family.  I was reading through my blog and realized that I had asked for prayers and then casually went on with life and didn't fill you in on the blessings that God had provided.

How often do I do that in my personal life?  You know the deal, prayerfully asking God for something, receiving the blessing and then *forgetting* to have a thankful heart.  I'm definitely guilty of that.  I would love to be more reflective of God's blessings in my life, as I know they are numerous and overflowing.

So, here's a delayed, "thank you".  Thank you for praying for Nana, even though you do not know her.  Thank you for caring enough about me to care enough about Stephen, to care enough about Nana.

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below; 
Praise Him above ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."

1 comment:

  1. I am guilty of the same thing:( thanks for the reminder.
    but how cute is Nana?? :)


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